E‑Mail Marketing in der Verlagsbranche: “Plötzlich ist E‑Mail hip”

Teaser: E-Mail-Marketing ist wieder hip

Tim Cigelske beschreibt auf Mediashift, wie die Verlags- und Medienbranche E‑Mail Marketing (neu) ent­deckt hat:

Kelsey Weekman was get­ting bored by Facebook and Twitter. As the online mana­ging edi­tor at The Daily Tar Heel, she uses social media to dis­tri­bute the sto­ries of the University of North Carolina stu­dent news­pa­per. But after using the same chan­nels for years, craf­ting posts for social media star­ted to feel stale and formulaic.

And then, the daily email news­let­ter theSkimm took off in popu­la­rity among her peers, as well as in other campuses. […] 

Suddenly, email was hip.

Plötzlich ist ein E‑Mail-Newsletter bei Stundenten ange­sagt, wäh­rend viel gehypte News-Apps wie­der von der Bildfläche verschwinden:

But email news­let­ters aren’t just an expe­ri­ment in col­lege news­rooms. Over the last few years, seve­ral news apps have come and gone, inclu­ding Circa, Zite, Trov and Pulse. But email has persisted. […] 

“I’ve been bea­ting my head against a wall for the last two years try­ing to make a news app expe­ri­ence work, and despite great reviews, I’ve fai­led,” he wrote on Medium. “So, we’re giving up on the Inside.com App and focu­sing 100% of our efforts on a medium that’s resul­ting in much bet­ter enga­ge­ment — email!”

Tim weist auch dar­auf hin, wel­chen Stellenwert E‑Mail Marketing mitt­ler­weile für “social media-driven sites” wie BuzzFeed hat (siehe hierzu auch: “Wie Buzzfeed mit E‑Mail Marketing das Wachstum vor­an­treibt”):

Email is an inte­gral stra­tegy for dri­ving traf­fic even at cut­ting edge social media-driven sites, such as BuzzFeed.

“For media web­sites, a well-done news­let­ter can be a cru­cial source of traf­fic,” wri­tes BuzzFeed News Reporter Katie Notopoulos. “Consider this: The amount of traf­fic BuzzFeeds gets from our news­let­ters is almost as much as we get from Twitter. Not just our own Twitter account, but all of Twitter.”

Bildnachweis Titelgrafik: Justin Morgan / Unsplash

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