Bessere Marketing-Texte schrei­ben: Don’t just write words. Write music.

Marketing Texte schreiben

Texte, die sich wie Musik anhö­ren: Eine der wich­tigs­ten Empfehlungen für das Schreiben von (Marketing-) Texten kommt von dem US-amerikanischen Schriftsteller Gary Provost: 

This sen­tence has five words. Here are five more words. Five-word sen­ten­ces are fine. But seve­ral tog­e­ther become mono­to­nous. Listen to what is hap­pe­ning. The wri­ting is get­ting bor­ing. The sound of it dro­nes. It’s like a stuck record. The ear demands some variety.

Now lis­ten. I vary the sen­tence length, and I create music. Music. The wri­ting sings. It has a plea­sant rhythm, a lilt, a harm­ony. I use short sen­ten­ces.

And I use sen­ten­ces of medium length. And some­ti­mes, when I am cer­tain the rea­der is res­ted, I will engage him with a sen­tence of con­sidera­ble length, a sen­tence that burns with energy and builds with all the impe­tus of a cre­scendo, the roll of the drums, the crash of the cymbals–sounds that say lis­ten to this, it is important.

So write with a com­bi­na­tion of short, medium, and long sen­ten­ces. Create a sound that plea­ses the reader’s ear. Don’t just write words. Write music.

Gary Provost 

Provost hat übri­gens auch das groß­ar­tige Buch “Make Every Word Count: A Guide to Writing That Works—for Fiction and Nonfiction” veröffentlicht.

Mehr Tipps für bes­sere Texte gibt es in die­sem Beitrag: Erfolgreiche Newsletter und Mailings tex­ten: So schrei­ben Sie her­aus­ra­gende Texte

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