Interview: So nutzt eBay Machine Learning im E‑Mail-Marketing

Alex Weinstein, Director Marketing Technology and CRM bei eBay, gibt in einem Interview mit eMarketer span­nende Einblicke in das E‑Mail-Marketing der Handelsplattform. Weinstein erläu­tert, wie sich eBay von einer “batch-and-blast” Strategie ver­ab­schie­det und einen kla­ren Fokus auf das Themenfeld Personalisierung gelegt hat.

eBay hat die dafür not­wen­dige tech­ni­sche Infrastruktur weit­ge­hend Inhouse aufgebaut:

We eva­lua­ted a bunch of third-party offe­rings, but there were two reasons for doing this in-house. The first reason was eBay’s sheer scale. […] 

The second reason was our inter­nal decis­ion to prio­ri­tize this work and be one of the best in the world at it. That’s why we deci­ded we have to deve­lop in-house exper­tise that will enable us to deeply under­stand every ele­ment of the stack, deve­lop machine lear­ning models and create real-time data pro­ces­sing pipe­lines to dif­fe­ren­tiate ourselves.

Weinstein erläu­tert, wie eBay Machine Learning im E‑Mail Marketing imple­men­tiert hat:

Now, we have a real-time data pipe­line that powers our down­stream mar­ke­ting cam­paigns. Whenever an action takes place on the site—a cus­to­mer buy­ing an item, brow­sing or just see­ing an ad—the acti­vity is tra­cked by our real-time engine, which updates the pro­file of the cus­to­mer and sets off trig­gers that we have embedded in the sys­tem. The trig­gers apply to both cus­to­mers and items: For exam­ple, the moment the price chan­ges on an item a cus­to­mer has viewed, we can auto­ma­ti­cally send that cus­to­mer an email..


Our jour­ney with CRM star­ted with buil­ding this real-time data pipe­line for email. Our next step was adding machine lear­ning to that pipe­line. And the third step was expan­ding this sys­tem to all out­bound chan­nels, inclu­ding the customer’s expe­ri­ence on-site.

Weinsteins abschlie­ßende Empfehlung für E‑Mail Marketer:

My invi­ta­tion to my col­le­agues in the indus­try is to not try to boil the ocean, but rather dip their toes in a little bit. For exam­ple, use a light machine lear­ning model to improve your news­let­ter. Try it, and you’ll see results.

eMarketer: eBay Incorporates Machine Learning to Overhaul Email Marketing Platform

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