In Vorträgen, Tweets oder Fachartikeln finden sich oft treffende Zitate zum Thema E‑Mail-Marketing, die in der täglichen Nachrichtenflut schnell untergehen. Nachfolgend finden Sie acht inspirierende Highlights – ich freue mich über Ergänzungen in den Kommentaren.
…zum Thema E‑Mail
Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches – at scale.
David Atlas, @dratlas
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…zum Thema Adressgewinnung
Recognize that the best email acquisition sources are always those that are closest to your shopping and customer service operations. […] Subscriber quality declines and the risk of spam complaints rises the farther you get away from these operations.
Chad White in “Email Marketing Rules: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Best Practices that Power Email Marketing Success”
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…zum Thema Copywriting
It’s the words, not the technology, that connect with customers. […] So why is so much investment made in the software and so little made in the message itself?
Nick Usborne in “Net Words: Creating High-Impact Online Copy”
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…zum Thema E‑Mail Design
Design like you are absolutely right, then optimize like you were wrong from the start.
Jordie van Rijn, @jvanrijn
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…zum Thema E‑Mail vs. Social
If you have to choose between adding a subscriber to your email list or gaining a new Facebook fan, go for email every time.
Nate Elliott (@nate_elliott)
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…zum Thema Call-to-Action
Use low commitment CTAs. Emails are invites, landingpages are parties.
Matt Byrd (@mparkerbyrd)
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…zum Thema Testing
I don’t care much for best practice – I care about conversions. That’s why I test.
Michael Aagaard (@ContentVerve)
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…zum Thema Conversion Rates
Average conversion rates are meaningless. Switzerland on average is flat.
Chris Goward (@chrisgoward)
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