Die 8 bes­ten E‑Mail-Marketing Zitate

email-marketing-zitatIn Vorträgen, Tweets oder Fachartikeln fin­den sich oft tref­fende Zitate zum Thema E‑Mail-Marketing, die in der täg­li­chen Nachrichtenflut schnell unter­ge­hen. Nachfolgend fin­den Sie acht inspi­rie­rende Highlights – ich freue mich über Ergänzungen in den Kommentaren.

…zum Thema E‑Mail

Email has an ability many chan­nels don’t: crea­ting valuable, per­so­nal tou­ches at scale.

David Atlas, @drat­las
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…zum Thema Adressgewinnung

Recognize that the best email acqui­si­tion sources are always those that are clo­sest to your shop­ping and cus­to­mer ser­vice ope­ra­ti­ons. […] Subscriber qua­lity decli­nes and the risk of spam com­plaints rises the far­ther you get away from these operations.

Chad White in “Email Marketing Rules: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Best Practices that Power Email Marketing Success”
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…zum Thema Copywriting

It’s the words, not the tech­no­logy, that con­nect with cus­to­mers. [] So why is so much invest­ment made in the soft­ware and so little made  in the mes­sage itself?

Nick Usborne in “Net Words: Creating High-Impact Online Copy
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…zum Thema E‑Mail Design

Design like you are abso­lut­ely right, then opti­mize like you were wrong from the start.

Jordie van Rijn, @jvanrijn
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…zum Thema E‑Mail vs. Social

If you have to choose bet­ween adding a sub­scri­ber to your email list or gai­ning a new Facebook fan, go for email every time.

Nate Elliott (@nate_elliott)
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…zum Thema Call-to-Action

Use low com­mit­ment CTAs. Emails are invi­tes, landing­pa­ges are parties.

Matt Byrd (@mparkerbyrd)
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…zum Thema Testing

I don’t care much for best prac­tice – I care about con­ver­si­ons. That’s why I test.

Michael Aagaard (@ContentVerve)
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…zum Thema Conversion Rates

Average con­ver­sion rates are meanin­g­less. Switzerland on average is flat.

Chris Goward (@chrisgoward)
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