Don’t do Do-not-reply

Es gibt sie immer noch: Unternehmen, die ihre Newsletter mit der Absenderadresse do-not-reply@… oder nichtantworten@… verschicken.

Denise Cox schreibt dazu tref­fend in ihrem Blog:

With com­pa­nies keen to jump on the social net­wor­king band­wagon, it’s iro­nic that there are pro­ba­bly a good num­ber of them that actually use the do-not-reply in their email mar­ke­ting cam­paigns. Yet they don’t see the irony in this. Companies want to con­trol WHEN cus­to­mers can inter­act with them – and it just doesn’t work that way any­more. A com­pany must strive to strip back as many bar­riers and lay­ers as pos­si­ble to allow peo­ple to actually get in cont­act with a real per­son at the company.

Every email sent from a com­pany, even a tran­sac­tional email, should allow for two-way com­mu­ni­ca­tion. There should be pro­ces­ses in place to handle emails coming back into the com­pany. If it is an impos­si­bi­lity to have someone to handle the inco­ming emails, then I would con­sider it accep­ta­ble to have an initial auto­ma­tic reply that gives the reci­pi­ent cont­act points in rela­tion to the spe­ci­fic ques­tion they have. Sort of like that auto­ma­ted phone sys­tem that says “press 1 for this, press 2 for that…”

(Hervorhebung von mir).

Denise Cox’s Blog: Do-not-reply email addres­ses: anti-social networking.

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