Wahre Worte: HTML emails don’t come from people

Haben Sie schon ein­mal eine ein­fa­che Plaintext-Mail gegen eine HTML E‑Mail getes­tet? Nick Usborne hat in Net Words — Creating High-Impact Only Copy zusam­men­ge­fasst, wel­che Wirkung simp­ler Text haben kann:

HTML emails don’t come from peo­ple; they come from the mar­ke­ting depart­ment of a com­pany. The com­mu­ni­ca­tion is no lon­ger truly one-to-one. It’s corporate-to-one.

Can an HTML email still be per­so­na­li­zed? Yes, but when you’re loo­king at per­so­na­li­zed emails that come with gra­phics, that per­so­na­li­zed ele­ment is usually gene­ra­ted by some high-end soft­ware. It’s per­so­na­liza­tion, but it’s no lon­ger per­so­nal in the way that a simple text mes­sage can be.

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