Amazon hat ver­se­hent­lich ein E‑Mail-Template an seine Kunden ver­schickt – das kön­nen wir davon lernen

E-Mail Template von Amazon

Amazon gilt gemein­hin als Vorzeigebeispiel für erfolg­rei­ches Marketing aber auch dem Konzern aus Seattle pas­sie­ren Fehler. Anfang des Jahres hat Amazons Marketing-Team ver­se­hent­lich das E‑Mail-Template der Amazon Web Services (AWS) an einen Teil der Kunden geschickt – mit­samt der Platzhaltertexte, die Anweisungen für den E‑Mail-Marketing-Manager beinhal­ten (“Enter a short head­line sum­ma­ri­zing why this email is important”, “Enter a com­pel­ling CTA” etc.).

E-Mail Design Template
Das “gele­akte” E‑Mail-Template von Amazon

Aaron Schnoor hat sich das E‑Mail-Template, das kurz nach dem Versand auf Reddit ver­öf­fent­licht wurde, genauer ange­se­hen. In einem Beitrag auf Medium berich­tet er was wir von dem Template ler­nen können:

Although it is easy to chuckle at Amazon’s gaffe, it is important to reco­gnize the intrin­sic value of the lea­ked tem­p­late. In fact, every mar­ke­ting team could bene­fit from fol­lo­wing the template’s simple instructions.

Amazons E‑Mail-Template: Das sind die Learnings in Kurzform

  • The Image Attracts: A reader’s focus will initi­ally gra­vi­tate to the photo at the top of the email. The image should be noti­ceable and attention-grabbing with bright and attrac­tive colors. A 600 x 200 image is the per­fect size for attrac­ting wit­hout over­whel­ming. Placing the image at the top of the email allows the reader’s focus to dwell there before moving to the headline.
  • The Headline Is Succinct: The head­line can­not be too long, but it must sum­ma­rize the entire pur­pose of the email. This is the most valuable space in the entire email.
  • The Words Flow Together: It’s important to note that the con­tents of the email tem­p­late are not Amazon’s own crea­tion. The words come from the wri­ter Gary Provost, the aut­hor of the book “Make Every Word Count.” Provost unders­tood that com­bi­ning short and long sen­ten­ces crea­ted a melody of words that would attract readers.
  • The CTA Needs to Create a Response: The CTA needs to invoke an urge to act. The rea­der should see the words and feel that they must click on the link or be left out entirely.

Medium: Amazon Accidentally Sent Out Their Email Template — Here’s what you can learn from it

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