Wahre Worte: Die beste Methode, um E‑Mail-Adressen zu gewinnen

email-marketing-buchRecognize that the best email acqui­si­tion sources are always those that are clo­sest to your shop­ping and cus­to­mer ser­vice ope­ra­ti­ons. […] Subscriber qua­lity decli­nes and the risk of spam com­plaints rises the far­ther you get away from these operations.

Chad White in sei­nem lesens­wer­ten neuen Buch “Email Marketing Rules — How to Wear a White Hat, Shoot Straight, and Win Hearts” (zur Zeit nur für den Kindle erhält­lich). Passend hierzu: E‑Mail-Adressgewinnung 2013: Die Frage nach dem Warum

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