Private Traffic: So funk­tio­niert CRM in China

CRM in China

Während in west­li­chen Ländern E‑Mail-Marketing der mit Abstand wich­tigste Kanal im CRM ist, domi­nie­ren in China Chat-Apps wie WeChat. Connie Chan beschreibt auf, wie Brands in China eine echte Eins-zu-Eins-Kommunikation mit ihren Kund:innen aufbauen.

Connie beschreibt, wie Unternehmen in China Alternativen zum E‑Mail-Marketing auf­ge­baut haben und hier­für auf eine Eins-zu-Eins Kommunikation zwi­schen Händler und Kunde setzen:

Here’s one exam­ple of how pri­vate traf­fic might work: Let’s say you go to a store to buy a bar­be­cue set. If the sales rep you talk to recom­mends a spe­ci­fic grill, they might say, “Hey, after you purchase this, why don’t you add me as a cont­act? You can mes­sage me if you have any ques­ti­ons about instal­la­tion, or any aspect of using your grill. If I come across cool bar­be­cue recipes or access­ories for your new set, I’m going to send them your way.”

You agree, allo­wing the sales rep to start a one-on-one chat with you. What’s the impact? You’re more likely to buy the bar­be­cue set because you have this sales rep’s per­so­nal sup­port, and you’re less likely to return it because you now have a direct con­nec­tion with them. This kind of pri­vate, two-way con­ver­sa­tion also helps brands under­stand their cus­to­mer bet­ter, which in turn helps breed deeper cus­to­mer loyalty. 

Warum “Private Traffic”? 

The traf­fic is “pri­vate” because brands fully own the chan­nels where they com­mu­ni­cate with cus­to­mers and can cont­act those cus­to­mers any­time, as oppo­sed to con­ver­sa­ti­ons tran­spi­ring on third-party sites (like Instagram and TikTok).

Spannend (und durch­aus als Inspiration geeig­net) auch, wie chi­ne­si­sche Unternehmen Gruppenchats im CRM ein­set­zen, um die Interaktion der Kundinnen und Kunden unter­ein­an­der zu ermöglichen: 

Ctrip, the big­gest tra­vel com­pany in China, star­ted some­thing new a cou­ple of years ago. If you boo­ked an inter­na­tio­nal flight for a week-long vaca­tion, you’d have the option of joi­ning a group chat with other tra­ve­lers who boo­ked tickets to the same desti­na­tion, around the same time. There would also be a sales rep in the chat to act as a tra­vel con­cierge before and during the trip. They’d ans­wer ques­ti­ons about any­thing from what to do about a lost pass­port to which type of out­let con­ver­ter to bring.

But the best part is, once your vaca­tion starts, you’re not only asking the cus­to­mer sales rep ques­ti­ons — often, you’re tal­king to other group-chat mem­bers too. You might ask how long the line at an amu­se­ment park is, or see who has sight­see­ing recom­men­da­ti­ons, or even invite peo­ple to meet up for din­ner. Essentially, the group of stran­gers beco­mes a community.

Mehr dazu auf Why China’s Version of Email Marketing Is So Effective

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