Wahre Worte: Mass Persuasion, One User At A Time

By sing­ling out one per­sua­sion stra­tegy per per­son, com­pa­nies are addres­sing cus­to­mers in the way that best suits the user. In the age of incre­asing per­so­na­li­zed data and a grea­ter under­stan­ding of the tools of per­sua­sion, com­pa­nies will no lon­ger need to com­mu­ni­cate with cus­to­mers as an amal­gam of an “average user” that doesn’t actually exist. Instead, by mar­ry­ing psy­cho­logy and cus­to­mer data, smart com­pa­nies will give cus­to­mers more of what they want: someone who speaks their language.

Techcrunch: Mass Persuasion, One User At A Time

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