Studie: Zustellung ist eine Herausforderung für E‑Mail Marketer

EmailLabs hat eine inter­es­sante Studie zur False Positive-Problematik veröffentlicht:

  • The con­tra­dic­tion: Eight out of 10 email mar­ket­ers say get­ting email mes­sa­ges deli­vered is a chall­enge for their orga­niza­ti­ons. However, only 1 in 10 ran­ked impro­ving it as a top priority.
    The black hole: Marketers appar­ently don’t rea­lize how spam com­plaints can influence mes­sage blo­cking and fil­te­ring. Nearly 90% of respond­ents track hard boun­ces and unsub­scri­bes in each deli­very, but only 58% moni­tor spam com­plaints. Also, 53% say their email con­tent and coding or per­mis­sion prac­ti­ces have the grea­test influence, but only 13% cited spam complaints.

    Mehr dazu bei EmailLabs: Survey: Email Deliverability is a Challenge for 8 of 10 Marketers (via MarketingVox)

    Allen Leser/innen wün­sche ich frohe Ostern und erhol­same Feiertage!

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