Studie von Return Path: Mobile E‑Mail Nutzung legt deut­lich zu (+81%!)

Studie: Email on the Move: The Future of Mobile Messaging von Return Path

Return Path hat die Nutzung von E‑Mails auf mobi­len Endgeräten ana­ly­siert und die inter­es­san­ten Ergebnisse in der neuen Studie “Email on the Move: The Future of Mobile Messaging” ver­öf­fent­licht. Laut der Studie wer­den mitt­ler­weile 16% der E‑Mails auf mobi­len Endgeräten gele­sen — das ent­spricht einem Wachstum von beacht­li­chen 81% in dem Zeitraum von Oktober 2010 bis März 2011.

Nachfolgend die wich­tigs­ten Ergebnisse:

  • Where is email most often read?
    The study finds an explo­sive 81% growth in mobile email view­er­ship. While mobile email view­er­ship is expec­ted to con­ti­nue to increase, web­mail and desk­top view­er­ship isn’t going away. People are con­sum­ing email any­where and ever­y­where they are – at home, in the office and on the road. The lea­ding plat­form for vie­w­ing email is web­mail with 48% of the total. Desktop use is a little more than 36% of views with mobile access coming in around 16%. When it comes to desk­top access, Outlook (with all ver­si­ons of that plat­form com­bi­ned) owns 63% of the views. The 81% growth in the acces­sing of email via a mobile device comes at the expense of web­mail access, with desk­top use remai­ning steady.
  • Day of Week Affects Email Usage
    Not sur­pri­sing, the study shows that mobile email acti­vity occurs more when peo­ple are on the move with increased acti­vity seen hea­ding into the weekend. Desktop use remains high through the week, spiking on Wednesdays, and then shows a dra­ma­tic drop-off on the weekends. Webmail use is lower during the week – lowest in fact, on Wednesday, with more use seen on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, with a big uptick on Saturday and Sunday. Mobile use shows a more ste­ady pat­tern through the week, with a rise begin­ning on Thursday that then goes up fur­ther on Friday and Saturday, and starts tape­ring on Sunday (while still remai­ning hig­her than week­day use).
  • Mobile Email Definition Changing
    While still a small per­cen­tage of over­all view­er­ship, the use of mobile devices and in par­ti­cu­lar tablets is rising quickly. What is cri­ti­cal for mar­ket­ers to know is that with the intro­duc­tion of the tablet, the defi­ni­tion of mobile chan­ged per­ma­nently. As tablet use beco­mes more com­mon, new kinds of email expe­ri­en­ces in new places and times are now available to con­su­mers. Marketers need to adapt to the ways con­su­mers are vie­w­ing con­tent as an important part of stay­ing ahead of the curve.
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