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Mashable hat Geoff Bartakovics, den CEO von Tasting Tablet, ein paar Fragen gestellt:

CEO Geoff Bartakovics laun­ched Tasting Table in 2008, to bring the world of niche and gour­met dining to dis­cer­ning foo­dies. Four years, five cities and one mil­lion sub­scri­bers later, Tasting Table is beco­ming the de facto insider’s guide to adven­tur­ous dining.

Check out our inter­view with Bartakovics to find out how Tasting Table is distin­gu­is­hing its­elf in the already-crowded online food recom­men­da­tion mar­ket, what he’s lear­ned (the hard way) about pro­per money manage­ment and what some of his most recent chal­lenges have been (hint: the not-so-glamorous side of sca­ling a company).

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