Studie: Typografie im E‑Mail Marketing

Das Software Usability Research Laboratory hat eine inter­es­sante Studie zur Auswirkung der Schriftart auf die E‑Mail-Kommunikation durchgeführt:

This study inves­ti­ga­ted the effect that a font has on the reader’s per­cep­tion of an email. Based on a pre­vious study by Shaikh, Chaparro, and Fox (2006), a sam­ple email mes­sage was pre­sen­ted in three fonts (Calibri, Comic Sans, and Gigi). The three cho­sen fonts repre­sen­ted a high, medium, and low level of con­gru­ency for email mes­sa­ges. The least con­gru­ent type­face (Gigi) resul­ted in dif­fe­rent per­cep­ti­ons of the email docu­ment and its aut­hor. However, no signi­fi­cant dif­fe­ren­ces were found bet­ween the modera­tely and highly con­gru­ent fonts.

Usability News: The Effect of Typeface on the Perception of Email

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