27 Fragen, die Sie sich in die­sem Jahr stel­len sollten

…hat Mark Brownlow in sei­nem Blog ver­öf­fent­licht. Das Posting ent­hält sinn­volle Denkanstöße, wie beispielsweise:

  • What do your emails offer that peo­ple can’t get from any other email list?
  • The value of an active email sub­scri­ber grows in direct pro­por­tion to the clamor for their atten­tion. Do you reco­gnize that and give long-term sub­scri­ber reten­tion at least as much focus as short-term results?
  • If emails need to deli­ver value, is that same objec­tive shared by ever­yone in your orga­niza­tion who sends emails to cus­to­mers or prospects?
  • What inno­va­tive tech­ni­ques are you using to draw atten­tion to the bene­fits of your email list?

Email Marketing Reports: 27 ques­ti­ons for your email mar­ke­ting in 2009

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